My Fundraising Page
Hello, welcome to my fundraising page! I am beyond excited to be running for the Brigham's Stepping Strong Boston Marathon Team! Your support during this journey is greatly appreciated. Thank you to everyone!
In 2013, Boston was changed forever when a beautiful Marathon Monday turned into a senseless tragedy. Gillian Reny, then a high school senior, was one of 39 critically injured patients rushed to Brigham and Women’s Hospital, where doctors and nurses saved her life and legs. With gratitude to the Brigham, the Reny family established The Gillian Reny Stepping Strong Center for Trauma Innovation to help other trauma patients regain their strength and ability to step strong once again.The Gillian Reny Stepping Strong Center for Trauma Innovation aims to catalyze trauma innovation for injured civilians and military heroes through multidisciplinary investigative collaborations across the continuum of trauma care, from prevention to treatment and recovery. Stepping Strong-funded initiatives are making a profound impact on trauma survivors and their families worldwide. The center has raised more than $30 million to fuel trauma research, advance education, build community, and inspire advocacy. But much more needs to be done.Trauma is a neglected global epidemic. According to the Centers for Disease Control:
- Trauma is the number one cause of death for people 44 or younger, ahead of cancer and heart disease.
- Traumatic injuries comprise 40% of visits to emergency departments.
- More than $2 trillion per year is spent on decreased productivity, work loss, and medical costs due to traumatic injuries.
- Despite the significant burden of trauma, less than 2% of federal funding is allocated toward trauma research, inhibiting our ability to understand how to prevent, treat, and improve recovery from traumatic injury.
Thank you for supporting this extraordinary group of runners and continuing to honor the Boston Strong spirit that still defines our city today. Learn more about the Stepping Strong Center for Trauma Innovation at the Brigham: Qualified runners are encouraged to join our team as well.
Brigham and Women's Hospital is a proud partner of the Bank of America Boston Marathon Official Charity Program.

Self-Gift Badge
I'm a runner and a Brigham donor!
Personal Progress:
of Goal
Honor Roll
Ace & Lola
Aunt Sue
Becky Stone
Brian Silver
Craig Faucher
David Malatos
Day family
Dick Duval
Dominique McClain
Don Callahan
Force ED
Marjorie Tretheway
Mark & Patti
Mary Duval
Michael & Bonnie Buckley
Michael Coughlan
Ms. Aleyna Duval
Scott Meier
Thomas Hazel
Honor Roll
Ace & Lola
Adrienne Ordung
Alyssa Washburn
Anne Gustafson
Anushka Gangwar
Aria Garczynski
Aria Garczynski
Ashley Campbell
Ashley Solares
Aunt Sue
Becky Stone
Bill & Cindy Coughlan
Bobby Davis
Brenda and Ken Lanciani
Brian & Jean Stone
Brian Peggy Tata
Brian Silver
Cait Ofiesh
Caitlyn Wilbur
Carolyn Griffin
Colin Beyna
Craig Faucher
Daniel Bell
Daniel Bell
Daniel McCabe
Danielle Bellows
David Bell
David Malatos
Dawn DeLuca
Day family
Dee Lombardozzi
Diane Putnam
Dick Duval
Dominique McClain
Don Callahan
Donna Bunnell
Dr. Brad Brink
Ellen Lish
eni cenko
Force ED
Harry Vue
Heather Deluca
Hilary sayers
Ian Davis
Idric Ocasio
Jaime Hancock
Jeff Davis
Jessica Belsito
Jessica Rydingsward
Jessica Spence
Joseph Malatos
Julia Battaglia
Julie Sidon
Kaelan Lester
Karen Reddington
Karen Suffin
Karl Bjorn
Ken & Jane Duval
Krista Carpenter
Leominster Family Dentists
Linda Candiello
Lizzie Hopkins
Lizzie Peterson
Mackenzie McNeil
Marjorie Tretheway
Marjorie Tretheway
Mark & Patti
Mary Allard
Mary Duval
Matt Weldon
Maureen Generelli
Michael & Bonnie Buckley
Michael Coughlan
Michaela Smith
Mike Arsenault
Mike Delaney
Morgan Maddock
Mr. Best Second class
Mr. Cob Carlson
Mr. Eric Adams
Mr. Frank Charon
Mr. Helder Mendes
Mr. Matthew Place
Mr. Pavel Benes
Mr. Richard Cass, Jr.
Mr. TJ Merrill
Mrs. Beverly Stone
Mrs. Lee Beaulac
Mrs. Linda Malatos
Mrs. Marsha Silver
Mrs. Michelle Constantino
Ms. Aleyna Duval
Ms. Natalie Mazzini
Nancy Corbett
Neila Day
Nick Lochiatto
Nick Maffeo
Nicolas Soter
Nicole Miley
Ricardo Saudelli
Robbin Swieca
Ron Duval
Roxanne Toomey
Ryan & Alanna Malatos
Ryan McCarthy
Ryan Pirro
Sandy & Rick
Sandy&Rick Daigneault
Sarah Kelly
Scott and Louisa Malatos
Scott Meier
Scott Swenson
Shane Benoit
Sheila Hutchinson
Sophie Day
Stacey Taylor
Sue and Brian Regan
Sue and Brian Regan
Susan Centofanti
Susan Jorgenson
Tara Hinckley
Ted Daly
Ted Kane
The Leary Family
Thomas Hazel
Thomas Hazel
tyler day
Valerie Housser
Victoria Foster
Walsh Family
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