Eline & Michael's Boston Marathon Fundraising Page!!
Eline and Michael are set to run the Boston Marathon together as part of the Brigham and Women’s Hospital Stepping Strong Marathon Team. By running the Boston Marathon together, Eline and Michael hope to inspire other to overcome the challenges they encounter. Their shared goal is to demonstrate that perseverance and determination can lead to extraordinary achievements, regardless of the obstacles faced along the way. The marathon is not just a race; it’s a testament to their journey, a celebration of their friendship, and a powerful message to others that with hard work and resilience, anything is possible.
Their journey began in middle school at The Carroll School, an institution dedicated to helping students with dyslexia learn to navigate the world around them. It was here that they first bonded over their shared experiences and challenges, inspiring each other to tackle difficult obstacles. They learned that their differences made them unique and allowed they to have a different perspective on the world. Their friendship flourished as they navigated the ups and downs of being dyslexic, and they found strength in overcoming the barriers they faced.
Eline has pursued a career in research focused on early detection and intervention for students with learning differences, empowering them to overcome obstacles in their journeys. Meanwhile, Michael has channeled his passion for helping others into the medical field, co-founding a trauma medical device company aimed at saving the lives of countless trauma patients each year during critical moments. He is also currently pursuing a PhD in assistive robotics, dedicated to creating devices that aid individuals with mobility impairments due to disease or traumatic injury. Both are committed to making a significant impact on the lives of others.
Thank you for considering to donate to this amazing cause and getting us one step closer to the finish line.
- Eline & Michael!
To learn more about Stepping Strong please read below!
- Trauma is the number one cause of death for people 44 or younger, ahead of cancer and heart disease
- More than $2 trillion per year is spent on decreased productivity, work loss and medical costs due to traumatic injuries
- Trauma accounts for more than 300,000 deaths annually in the U.S., often leaving survivors with permanent mental and physical disabilities
- Traumatic injuries comprise 40% of visits to emergency departments
- Less than 2% of NIH funding is allocated toward trauma research, perpetuating enormous human and financial costs
Thank you for supporting this extraordinary group of runners and continuing to honor the Boston Strong spirit that still defines our city today.
- The Stepping Strong Team
Learn more about the Stepping Strong Center for Trauma Innovation:

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