Olivia's 1st Birthday
Brigham and Women's Hospital will forever hold a very special place in our hearts and memories, especially the perinatal care team and the NICU.
Heading into pre-term labor quite early, I spent 18 days at the hospital on bedrest trying to carve out as much time as possible before Oliva made her exit.
Then, at 30 week and 6 days, I became sick with an infection due to the preterm labor, and it was time to get things moving. After some drama/the general "fun" of child birth - Olivia Vern Garcia was born at 3 lbs 3 oz. She became an overnight guest at the NICU for 58 days. We visited daily, while balancing work/life/Sawyer and Bowie. It was scary, draining, emotional, and so many more feelings.
The one thing that was always constant was the amazing care she was recieving from the Brigham team. The staff, care for both baby and parents, and the processes and facilities were EVERYTHING to us.
Having to leave your newborn baby at the hospital and go home is nothing I'd wish upon anyone, AND the fact that this was an option for us is a gift I can never repay. Olivia was monitored daily for her development and some of the challenges that were uniquely hers. I grew to love her care team and felt at home as I walked the neighborhood hallways, joined daily rounds, and called for pre-bedtime updates. The NICU goes out of their way to make things feel as normal as possible and to support family goals. They provide premee clothing/diapers - all the supplies; books to read to her, meals and education courses for families, free parking, little "extras" along the way - like decorating her hospital room, and even the most amazing follow-up clinics - that has been everything for us....I am truly forever grateful for Brigham and Women's and the teams that work there.
It is not lost on us on how privileged we are to have had this opportunity with such easy access. I dream of a world where all parents have the opportunity to make choices around their child's wellbeing. Something, we are far from in this world. For now, what we can do - is something ever so small, and important to us. We wish to dedicate Olivia's 1st Birthday - January, 25, 2025 to the Brigham and Women's NICU. Please help us pay it forward to future families requiring the Brigham and Women's NICU. Donations are what keep the facility going, which allows parents as lucky as we are to bring their daughter home and celebrate her FIRST birthday.
Thank you for helping us pay it forward, and thank you Brigham!