2024 Community Fundraising Events

Every Heart Matters Bracelet Fundraiser

After my mom unexpectedly fainted at my soccer game, she was rushed to a local Emergency Room, then transferred to Brigham and Woman’s where she underwent two emergency operations. The first surgery was to remove blood clots from the lungs and the second was due to a blood clot that went to her heart, requiring emergency open heart surgery. 

I saw her go through this painful and unexpected event, seeing pictures of the blood clots in the lungs and the 8-inch clot in the heart. Throughout this hospitalization and recovery at home, I appreciated that the Doctors had saved her life and they required significant knowledge and research to know how to save her.  

I wanted to help fundraise for the hospital and research. This is why I started the “Every Heart Matters” Bracelet Fundraiser. Please help support this fundraising through purchasing a bracelet for $10 each. All proceeds will go to the Aortic Syndrome Fund sponsored by the cardiologist who helped my mother. This means a lot to me so I thank you for your support!

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